Cloud Hosted Desktop

What are Cloud Desktops?

Cloud desktops, virtual desktops, or Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) enable companies to securely run their desktop applications and operations in the cloud. Employees can access and use their software from any internet-connected computer or mobile device, without requiring special hardware. Whether you aim to empower your mobile workforce, reduce licensing expenses, or securely deploy critical applications, cloud desktop solutions offer a versatile solution. They provide robust security measures and redundancy to ensure uninterrupted business operations and reliable service delivery to your customers.

Why choose Cloud Desktops?

Cloud desktops offer enhanced efficiency and provide a superior user experience.

Access Your Data Anywhere

Whether you're in your office, at home, or at your local coffee shop, you can access your files and applications from any device using cloud desktop hosting.

Centralized Updates

Instead of updating applications and software individually on each computer within an organization, changes made in one location are now visible and accessible to all employees.

Easily Scalable

Adding more computers, laptops, tablets, and even thin clients to your dedicated cloud server managed and monitored proactively by KYIT is straightforward.

Stronger Security

Operating IT infrastructure from dedicated cloud servers enhances digital security within your organization. Monitor and securely manage files, email, and user access to optimize business continuity.

Work Anywhere With Secure
Cloud Hosted Desktop Hosting

KYIT offers cloud server desktop hosting tailored for SME clients seeking enhanced security, reliability, and accessibility within their organization. With cloud server and desktop hosting, you can securely access the same desktop environment from anywhere, on any device. Our experienced engineers integrate robust security measures to safeguard your data from threats such as malware, ransomware, and internal risks.

"We care about our clients and know that reliable systems are key to your success.

Flexible Working Environments
to Support Your Staff

Businesses now operate in ways that differ from the past, benefiting staff, productivity, and growth. Offering secure and agile IT solutions enables employees to work from anywhere, safeguarding your business against disasters and adapting to changing business landscapes. Opting for cloud server desktop hosting is essential for efficiently running a modern business in the 21st century.

Book A Consult

KYIT understands the demands of a SME. Get in touch to see how we can help you navigate these unique challenges.