Cloud Phone Systems

What are Cloud Phone Systems?

Cloud phone systems using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) enable businesses to securely make and receive calls over the internet, rather than relying on landline or analog connections. These systems store their data in secure data centers, ensuring reliable service and continuous access around the clock. Many businesses opt for cloud phone systems due to the cost-effective access to additional features compared to traditional phone lines. They also offer redundancy and routing strategies that ensure constant connectivity with customers.

Why Choose Cloud Phone Systems?

Experience all the benefits of cloud-based phone solutions when you choose KYIT.


Since your business already has an internet connection, there's no need to invest in extra phone lines and service plans for managing incoming and outgoing calls. VoIP proves far more cost-effective compared to traditional phone systems.


When analog phones fail, there is no backup available. However, desktop and mobile phones supported by the cloud operate smoothly, ensuring continuous connectivity for businesses with their customers and vendors.


You can change, add, and remove staff quickly and at affordable rates with cloud phone systems. Our feature-rich solutions can scale with your business.

Easy To Use

The intuitive interface allows easy transfer of calls from deskphone to wireless phones to mobile phones.


Take control of how calls are handled with the self-service IVR portal, put in place voicemail messages that are delivered to phones or emails, on your desired schedule and timing.


Businesses operating across multiple locations can benefit from a unified cloud phone system that seamlessly connects all sites. Easily route calls, manage utilization, and monitor performance through a single, user-friendly web-based platform.

VOIP Systems Offers The Best Phone Experiences

If you want to provide your team and your customers the best and most functional phone experience, then a true VoIP system is what you need.
We partner with leading VOIP provider mVoice to provide a cloud-based solution for managing your incoming and outgoing calls. You team will have access to modern handsets covering all needs, with highly customizable, self-service IVR portal enabling flexible call management. Multi-office can be seamlessly linked as a single site with voice conferencing and recording capabilities. This seamless system works exceeding well for our medical industry clients.

"We care about our clients and know that reliable systems are key to your success.

Book A Consult

KYIT understands the demands of a SME. Get in touch to see how we can help you navigate these unique challenges.